The Monthly Edit April

Who else loves the phrase “April showers bring May flowers”? It always reminds me that on rainy, gray gloomy April days … something beautiful is just around the corner. And, no matter the weather, life is just better with friends, family and a home that is designed to reflect who we are are what we think is beautiful. That’s why this month, and always, I’m …

Obsessed with: Time with Loved Ones

This has nothing to do with staging or design, but also everything to do with it! In order to give my clients, my team and projects 100%, it all starts at home. Downtime with family is a must for me to refuel and be my most creative. Taking my kiddos to the park or an early evening walk with our dogs to get ice cream or a book at our favorite book store in town is time I cherish.

So, if you’ve been feeling stretched thin or overwhelmed professionally, be sure to schedule in some time for yourself to recharge, even if only for twenty minutes, we all need it. A little self care or quality time with family or friends can go a long way in energizing you for that next task or project.

Project of the Month: South End Project

After an exciting year and a half process, our South End project came to a close at the end of 2021, and we have finally completed the shoot. Thanks to our amazing clients, who were involved every step of the way, the big reveal was all love and a lot of laughs. Now, couple of months post move-in day, we’re happy to hear how much they’re loving their new home and we’re so excited to show you the spaces, too. Here’s a look at some behind the scenes before the final shoot.

The absolute loveliest family, our clients brought us in early to look at this traditional home and asked if something could be done to make it more modern. The answer was a big yes and we got to work. 

We removed walls, added a gallery hall, and created custom furniture just for them. The textures, the scale, the finishes…This project is definitely one of my favorites.

All about warm minimalism, the house has that feel of casual sophistication we love. While most of the rooms are light and bright with elements like white oak wood beams and white walls, I have a soft spot for the bar area. Its sultry, dark + moody color palette is unexpected, but balanced by walls of windows that embrace nature + tranquility with ease. 

Pro Tip: Oversized Branches  

THINK BIG – It’s no secret I’m a fan of foraging the yard with clippers when it comes to styling with greenery. Specifically, I always recommend using big branches you find nearby. Spring is our favorite time for this as there’s only a brief window to cut flowering branches and bring them inside. So, if you ever pass by a home we are installing and see the LTW team in the yard cutting branches, you’ll know why!

LTW Hits the Road: High Point Market, N Carolina

We always love a work trip so instead of a tip for the road this month, we wanted to share all the new things we saw at High Point, North Carolina where we got to see, touch, + seat-test all the latest furnishings for clients. Did I mention SEAT TEST, I promise it’s a thing. Take a look…

Discovering new pieces from beloved brands and getting to know new creators is the best part of market and provides the inspiration for us to continue to create. Keep a look out because you’ll be seeing some of our favorite finds from the market in our projects soon.

The next few months will be a whirlwind for us at LTW Design, with new projects in the Hamptons, NYC and a few trips in the works. Can’t wait to let you in on all of it…Stay tuned and be sure to follow us on Instagram to see what we’re up to in real time! 

Xx Leia